Wednesday, April 1, 2009

'Black Sheep' is a film that really took me by surprise!
I had written several paragraphs about how unnecessary special affects are ruining cinema but I read it felt that it was really preachy...

Check out Black Sheep. This is the best B-Movie I have seen in quite some time. It was produced in the same vein as early Peter Jackson (Bad Taste, Dead Alive) and was coincidentally done in the same country (New Zealand). The film follows a young man (Henry) suffering from OVINAPHOBIA (an irrational fear of sheep) as he returns to his childhood home to take back ownership of the family sheep farm. There he reuintes with his brother (Angus) who has been conducting strange experiments on the resident sheep.

The flick was suprisingly entertaining and a refreshing change of pace from your average "horror stinker". It was well shot, well casted, and had a nice balance of horror affects and comedic undertones. This is no Shaun of the Dead but certainly worth the 87 minutes. Check out the Trailer below and feel free to contact me if you'd like to watch the full film!