Thursday, May 28, 2009

'M' (1931)

As reviewed by Skinnyblacktie

Directed by Fritz Lang

Starring Peter Lorre, Ellen Widmann, Inge Landgut, Otto Wernicke, Theodor Loos and Gustaf Grundgens.

'Wer ist der Moder?" (Who is the murderer?) Screenwriters Fritz Lang and Thea von Harbou ask this question through concerned parents and paranoia struck police men after a ninth child (Inge Landgut) is murdered within the past year. The wake of this social dynamic quickly curls up and slams down hard upon the criminal element of the community and foams over in the form of civilian justice (injustice). And so and so it goes, the criminals of the city devote their time to catching the murderer, not for the greater good, but so the police will stop harassing them as if they were child murderers.

Lang's work is beautifully shot. Numerous chase scenes from brick-walled cobble-stoned city streets to singular light based shots in sewer systems and hide-and-go seek suspense elements in buildings provide a visual suspense witch matches the powerful story.

The acting is a bit overly dramatic at points, but overall the emotion is dealt very well. Peter Lorre does a fantastic job playing quite possibly the first serial killer in a motion picture (sorry for the spoiler... I doubt you can pick Peter Lorre out of I line up...I couldn't).

'M' is a film of cause and effect. For every problem there is a solution...for every solution a motive...and contained within every motive is the benefit of someone somehow. There are no heroes...there are no villains...there are simply the viewers' personal answers to social questions. Buy the end of the film you will ask yourself 'Wer ist der echte Morder?'



jrjuniorjr said...

Great first review, skinnyblacktie! Very well written. I could, however, recognize Peter Lorre anywhere, my faves being The Maltese Falcon and Casablanca.

Morena said...

Nice review. You chose a great flick to write about. Welcome aboard!


Pancho said...

Thanks for the review. I love this movie. I don't know if you can go wrong with Fritz Lang. Directors and cinematographers are still taking from his style. I'll have to agree with Junior about Peter Lorre. I think his caricature popped up quite a bit in the older Looney Toons also. I look forward to more reviews (maybe I'll do one for a change).